I have joked that "squats fix everything", and the more I say that the more it becomes true.
Feeling good? Squat
Feel like garbage? Squat
Lost your job? Squat
Wife is going to have a baby? Squat
Whatever is going on in your life...Just shut your mouth and squat!
Today was no different. I have a bunch of personal issues that need to be addressed. (Nothing life-ending) but nagging things that are accumulating, when I woke up this morning and had to add severe sciatic issue as well.
"Well, FUCK it!"
I sent a message to my training "crew" to see if anyone wanted to get together for a Saturday morning session. I do this now and again and those who get invited should (and usually do) feel "special" Everyone had an excuse except my original training partner this time. His "I'm in" was all I needed and I proceeded to mentally prepare myself for a shitty squat session. But what happened? Warming up, the pain subsided, the juices began to flow, the intensity increased, my training partner was "on" and we kicked some serious ass, solidifying my belief that all of us have gotten soft in our approach to training.
Taking days off, deload for a week, slow down, yada, yada, yada...Shut the fuck up and put the weight on the back. Shove your hips back and bust your ass! Even if you don't get near your numbers, who the fuck cares? You have overcome the dreaded vaginitis.
Next time something isn't going your way, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, get up on your tip-toes, and slam your heels down on the floor. Repeat this move three more times! That way the sand from your vagina will empty and you can then start to warm up on the monolift!
Thanks, Al! After I woke up from my nap, I finally cleaned Casa de Selkow with large, strong, and powerful wheels.
Today's Training:
GHR: 5x10
Cable Pull-through: 5x10
Reverse Hyper: 3x10
Anderson Squat: 3" below parallel (painfully low) 3 RM. (we both put up better numbers than the last time we attempted this lift)
Leg Curl: 3x8x more weight
Leg Extension: 3x6x even MORE weight
You guys that failed to show up, won't be doing this workout anytime soon.