Nothing is more important to me than what I'm doing now.
I've met with people and the telephone on my desk would ring. I would carry on our conversation with no regard for the continued interference, and inevitably, the person in front of me would ask, "Are you going to get that?" My response would be a sharp, "No!"
I have always believed that what I am doing at that moment is the single most important task that I need to address. This is also the main reason I don't own a cell phone. I call those electronic human dog leashes.
If I'm out on the training floor of the gym my attention to the participants far exceeds someone on the other end of a smartphone. What if it's an emergency? you may ask. Well, the only things that are THAT important are my wife and son. If THEY need to get a hold of me, they know how and it will be a lot quicker and decisive than if I had a smartphone.
I mention this as a prelude to the depth I took it to today.
I am running roughly an hour and a half late for EVERYTHING as of this moment because I was listening to five various people in different conversations this morning regarding everything and nothing.
Each of the people had a story to tell me and although I had places to go and meetings to attend, THAT person needed to vent, describe, and/or give resolution to issues that meant a lot to each one.
Likewise, when I was training early this morning when someone encroached on my space during the active set I was engaged in, I politely gave my "1000-yard stare" and they provided me the space and time that was necessary for me to finish what I was doing.
This ability comes from knowing what is important vs. what is urgent.
EVERYONE has a sense of urgency and wants things done yesterday.
We have to decide what is IMPORTANT to the moment.
Choose wisely though, and don't get confused!
Today's Training:
Shoulder Reliever: Day 8; Ball 4
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20
C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x15
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
Shrug: 4x10
BB Reverse Grip Curl: 3x8
Cable Pushdown: 3x12
BB Curl: 3x8
DB Supine Tricep Extension
Blast Strap Row: 50 reps
Pushups: 50 reps
Fat Bar Dead Hang: 30 seconds
45 degree back extension: 3x8