It has been said if you don't want to "rock the boat" then don't talk about politics or religion.
In my gym, especially my program, we don't filter ANYTHING and talk about EVERYTHING between sets. (If I'm not coaching a technical point)
I also maintain since this site is actually Dave's business that I would keep controversial stuff at bay. But, yesterday was a non-invasive chance to "witness" my belief in God and Jesus. So I sincerely hope whatever you believe, you continue to without feeling I am deliberately trying to offend you.
I was brought up as an Episcopalian, which I refer to as Junior Varsity Catholic or Catholic Light. I had a lot of questions at one point in my life and went to the church's priest looking for answers. Luckily for me, this guy was fairly progressive and told me that I had some very intriguing inquiries and that I needed to search outside his area of expertise for the answers.
To cut this long story (which will turn into me "witnessing") I found a church that was perfect, a pastor who hit on all cylinders answering my questions in his sermon that I just "happened" upon.
Which brings me to my point..."The more Chrisitan you become, the more Jewish you are as well", after all, Jesus was a Jew.
I swore that after a debacle of a first marriage, IF I ever got into a serious relationship it would be with a female Mosad agent or IDF soilder. Those chicks can fight!
So...I married a Jewish gal, had a son who is Bar Mitzvahed, and my house is a Jewish/Christian one that celebrates EVERYFUCKINGTHING! Cool, right? Nah...My wife and son SUCK at being Jewish when it comes to the rituals of their religion.
I was mentioning this yesterday to a group of lifters because this Sunday is Rosh Hanah or however, you spell it, it's the Jewish New Year. The thing is these lifters were of the Muslim faith. (I won't go into the detail of the fun I have with these folk, but let me just say...most people would GASP and many would be offended, but not MY participants). I digress, when I told the group how awful my family is about following the "Rules of Religion", they laughed. (I am pretty amusing at times) Then I turned to them and reminded them of how bad THEY SUCKED following the "Rules of Religion" for the Muslim faith too. During Ramadan, when they are suppose to fast for an entire month, these guys found "Loop Holes" where they could chow when they wanted. "Bullshit! You guys suck and Allah is going to kick you out too".
Then I unleashed in front of my multi religious group how my faith was so much easier.
- I can talk to God anytime, anyplace in MY language (which is a combo of English, Movie Dialog, Sarcasm, and Bullshit) and he will understand.
- I don't have to go through anyone to get a direct line to God.
- When I fuck up, I ask for forgiveness and "BAM" I'm forgiven. After all, God sacrificed his only son for the sins of the world, and what good father would subject his kid to crucifiction twice?
Then the gym went silent. I could see everyone contemplating what I had said in good nature and fun.
To ease what I thought was getting tense (remember? You don't want to talk about Politics OR Religion) I then blurted out...
"In other words...On a daily basis, Don't be a DICK"!
Believe what you feel. Trust your heart. Listen to the inner voice (In my case, voices) and do right by EVERYONE. (except those that are Shitheads, then you can throat punch them).
Happy New Year to all my Jewish friends.
Believe in something bigger than yourself!
If you don't know of any, most of Team Elite is comprised of pretty big guys, so that might be a good place to start and then you can move up from there.
Today's Training: Sssshhhhhhh...
Prowler: 10x40x +50 lbs
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x50%
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x50%
GHR: 5x10
Fwd Stepping Lunge: 2x10