I have a growing number of "mature" participants in the program. Why? Because I'm old, duh, and (AND) many of them have been with me for quite a while now.
While strength is paramount in my training, I never forget the conditioning part.
In the past, conditioning primarily referred to oxygen uptake, cardiac output, endurance, and recovery from exercise.
Witnessing the fall in Balance (Pun intended) I decided this also needs to be addressed.
The plan is to subtly increase the amount of time and exercises required.
I added ONE today and highly encourage others to participate as well.
The "Single Leg Balance" is exactly what it says. Stand on one foot by simply lifting the other off the floor. No need for any special yoga pose, just pick it up and stand there, kind of like a flamingo. (that's funny). Keep your hands on your hips, and try not to fall over on your ear.
Hint: Best to do these exercises barefoot or at most, in your socks.
Here's to keeping it upright!
Fall on your ear...hahaha. That's still funny
Today's Training:
Daily Warm-up
- 3" Plank: 2x37 seconds
- Front Plank: 2x37 seconds
- Push-ups: 2x12
- BOSU Sit-up: 100
- Single Leg Balance: 2x15 seconds on each foot
Lat Pulldown: 4x12
C/S Row: 4x12
Full Articulating Arm Pulldown: 4x12
Wide Grip Low Cable Row: 4x12
Tricep Cable Pushdown: 4x12
Barbell Curl: 4x10
Skull Crushers: 4x12
DB Hammer Curl: 4x10