I've spoken about being disciplined even more so than motivated many times. Discipline will get you to the finish line whereas "Motivation" will get you to the starting line.
That starting line is made up of only two ways. You are either moving toward something (something you want, need, or something) or away from something, (pain, a bad position in life, lack).
We can all get on the starting line because of that want. But what are we moving away from?
I like the story of the old man sitting on the porch with his dog. The dog, however, was moaning and crying something terrible.
Suddenly a passerby stops and asks, "hey old man, why is that dog moaning and howling like that?"
The old man answers, "Because he's lying on a nail".
The passerby then asks, "Why doesn't he move?"
The old man again answers, "Suppose it doesn't hurt him bad enough".
The key takeaway is you will be "Motivated" only when something hurts you bad enough or your WANT is greater than any excuse you can conjure up.
Yes, I WANT things, but the clincher that always works for me is that I hate losing more than I enjoy winning.
Find your motivation, then work on the discipline to see your goal to completion.
Today's Training:
- 3" Plank: 2x37 seconds
- Plank: 2x37 seconds
- Push-ups: 2x12
- Single Leg Balance: 2x15 seconds each
- Side Flex over the 45-degree back extension: 3x12
- 4-way Neck: 1x12
Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise: 4x10
Incline Cable Fly: 4x10
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x 35-25-15
Decline Chest Press: 4x10
Floor Press: 5 RM
All fasted as I had to have bloodwork done. Now I'm very HANGRY.