In my gym, we have daily hours that start at 4:00 AM. That's four in the morning with access to a strength and conditioning coach (ME!), Monday through Friday.
I enjoy max-effort squats and deadlifts on Saturday mornings when the gym is closed. However, I will invite a small, selected group of lifters or athletes to train with me.
The atmosphere is more casual, less about getting people to their next appointments, more banter and shit talking and a LOT more intense. PLUS +++ I educate like a MoFo to those who participate.
What perplexes me is that people will commit to being there on Friday and NOT SHOW up on Saturday. There is no extra fee for this. There are only "gains" to be made, and yet, they tell me they want to and I will hear the excuse come Monday.
I have people who will drive over an hour (IN TRAFFIC) to attend their daily workout, but to wake up on a Saturday morning at 0600 (not even the super early mornings) can't find the discipline to do it.
I know there are a few people who live outside of my area who would jump at the opportunity to train and learn for free. They have told me so. When I brought this subject up to today's group, they asked if I would pose the question to the readership that read my stuff here.
If I offered this to ya'll, even if it meant you had to get here and put yourself up in a hotel for a night, hang out for the day, have lunch and perhaps dinner, would you come? (not that I'm going to do it)
I'm betting a few yeses, a lot of maybe's, and a few nopes.
Today's Training:
GHR: 5x10
Pause Squats: (no box, SSB Yoke Bar) 3 Rep Max Effort
Leg Curl: 4x8
Leg Extension: 4x8