My EARLY morning crew has the best attitude along with pretty much the same warped sense of humor and general well-being as I do. Well HECK, who else gets up on a daily basis the time we do to get our training done and then hang out with each other just to make fun of the second group that shows up at 5:30 AM?
Today's conversation revolved around this incredible heat wave we are experiencing in the Bay Area of California.
Temperatures have been in the triple digits all week with a couple of days of 112-118 degrees.
"Yea, but it's a DRY heat". ahahaha...Still! It's as hot as Satan's Kitchen...
So we were chatting about how to stay cool and still get the training completed.
I was reminded that at 4:30 in the morning we are still cool enough to be relatively comfortable at 80 degrees, but the later blocks coming in start to feel the sweltering heat fairly early. THAT'S when we came up with the idea of adding "Waterboarding" to the program. Yep...Staying cool with a towel over the face while being dowsed in cool water seems not only a great way to keep the core temperature down, but look at all the mentally tough benefits ( If you've been reading my stuff you know that I'm on a HUGE push for "Mental Toughness").
Chad Aichs reminded me yesterday of a very important part of Strength and Conditioning that I know I always put on the "back burner". He said, "A stretched muscle is a happy muscle".
It was an "ah-ha" moment for me. He said, "If you regularly stretch out, you won't need to put in those countless hours of restorative exercise to fix the unhealthy muscle. You won't need to be leaning on the foam roller for more blocks of time" Just go "Old School" and stretch the legs, shoulders, lower and upper back out and your overall athletic output will improve".
Needless to say, after reminding the team to pull the tampon they have been using to floss their teeth out and get on the mat and get to stretching, everyone that did, felt so much better.
Work it out, Stretch it out!
Drink a LOT of water and throw away the dental floss...
That's one of my training partners of whom I LIKE! I've been said to treat everyone the same, Very abruptly and poorly. AAahahahaha...
Today's Training:
*Run: Sprint; 15x60 yds
*Cycle: Commute; 27 mins
4 sets of 25 reps of the following "Super Sets"
- A Box Squat: 4x25x45 lb bar only
super set w/
- B Split Squat: 4x25x BW
2. A Box Squat:4x25x45
super set w/
2. B Rear Stepping Lunge: 4x25xBW
3. A Box Squat into calf raise: 4x25xBW
super set w/
3. B Forward Stepping Lunge: 4x25xBW
4. 12" Box Step Up: 4x25xBW
5. Verticle Jump: 4x12xBW
*Cycle: Commute; 28 mins.