I read this on my social media page, posted by a friend who is working her ass off. What she says struck a chord with me and I thought it worthy of a reprint...
"Your appearance is not what people should see when they glance at you. It's your spirit and soul, but unfortunately, unless someone knows you well, they only know your shell. Also, why worry about it? It is important to be healthy. As you age, it becomes crucial that you have the best quality of life. The goal isn't appearance, it's longevity. I want to be climbing that mountain at 75 years old, not having my ashes poured from it.
Now, get your asses up! It's run time!" ~Misty Lee
Today's Training:
GHR: 5x10
Kettle Bell Swing: 5x10x something really heavy
Max Effort Good Morning: 5 Rep Max
BOSU Situp: 100
Ab Wheel: 3x15
Run: Sprints: 5x100 after a running warm-up. That transition from bike to run STILL kicks my ass.