Sled 1 hour sunday, Monday 20 mins treadmill
9/17 Lower
REverse hypers to start 4x12
Abs suspension strap roll outs 5x8
Straight bar GMs. Lots of sets at 3 reps working up to 365x2x2
Duffalo bar wide stance squats with Bowtie used as light support(briefy but much easier to get into) worked up to 375x3x2 sets
Close stance squats for 3x8
Leg extensions 3x20
9/19 Upper
Shoulder rok 1x25 each way
Dumbell obliques worked up to 100s this time without anything falling out
Neutral grip pulldowns 10 to 12x8
Hammer press. 12 setsx6, then a few sets of rep work.
Seated one are KB snatches. This one was interesting. No leg drive. 5x5 per arm. I would repeat this one again. Nice finisher
Used the 3 inch(10 foot 3 inch long too) elephant band(like the mummy or floss band but more band to use and less strangulation that you get with a 2 inch band) to break up the left elbow pain. About 10 minutes of this.