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Dave finishes day one of the elitefts SSTSS with an emotional message on the topic of "Live, Learn, Pass on". He introduces Anne Sheehan as the newest elitefts team member. Anne learned while she was getting sober that she needed someone else's help — and she did it. And that's exactly what her athlete logs will do: help other powerlifters in their journeys. #elitefts #TRAIN #SSTSS #LiveLearnPassOn @ifbbproannesheehan @underthebar A post shared by elitefts (@elitefts) on
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Dr. Ken Kinakin works on fixing Dave Tate. Ken will be part of an amazing crew running workshops and coaching during day two of the Strong(er) Sports Training & Success Summit at the Elitefts S5 compound. #sstss19 #livelearnpasson #elitefts #teamelitefts #squatbenchdeadlift #powerlifting A post shared by EliteftsUK (@elitefts.uk) on
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Last day in Ohio so we had to get a quick bench session in at @elitefts. This week in Ohio has been an awesome experience from the summit, to getting sponsored, and meeting so many amazing people. Hit 455lbs for 5 reps on closer grip shoulder saver and followed it up with an exaggerated range of motion with cambered bar benching. Ready to get back home and dial everything in again! @kayliebaby_ifbbpro @teamphoenixperformance @strength_union @subjectzero_supps A post shared by Tony Montgomery Jr (@tonymontgomeryjr) on
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This past weekend trip to the @elitefts seminar was more than what I expected. I can’t thank mom and dad... I mean @ant_toe & @julia.ant_toe enough for everything they helped out with! Thanks @woodyg_96 for dropping and picking me up at the exit and as well as @bwscott89 for stoping and letting me catch a ride up to Ohio and back with him. I paid him back with Rice crispy treats and McDonald’s so it was an even trade pretty much. I learned a lot and left with some more toys in my tool box for sure. From coach’s aspect, an athlete’s aspect, and from a business aspect I left with my eyes refreshed and opened. I’m excited about implementing some of these new ideas to help my clients as well as my self I had the opportunity to rub elbows with some of the best in the business, as well as get to train with some of them! Some of these people I have looked up and kept up with for years! Also meet some of my northern #mohawkmethod teammates. Even tho @yoshimonk3310 & @_andrewochoa___ are Yankees they are nice people, I reckon To actually go and see what the brand represents in person, was an amazing thing. Dave Tate cares so much about the members of his team as well as everyone else who attended. He truly lives by the principals Live, learn, & pass on. Thank you for everything @underthebar A post shared by Scottie Alexander (@swole_kid) on
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Beyond excited and honored to be a part of @elitefts!! This company opened my eyes to strength training and the powerlifting community and over the years I’ve learned so much from their website and team members and I’m looking forward to paying it all back not only to them but to everyone who will read my stuff. This is the only sponsorship I’ve ever wanted and I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since they brought me on. Thank you @underthebar and the team for giving me this opportunity!! Posted @withrepost • @elitefts Elitefts is proud to announce the addition of Tony Montgomery to our team of athletes. A former Marine, Tony has a broad athletic background which spans competition in strongman, Crossfit, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and endurance racing. Tony’s career in powerlifting includes a 2000 pound total in the 242 weight class. Tony has extensive experience coaching athletes to high levels of performance and has contributed to continued growth of the lifting world in a variety of ways including podcast production. Elitefts warmly welcomes Tony’s voice to our team. A post shared by Tony Montgomery Jr (@tonymontgomeryjr) on
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One of the secret rehab techniques I use is to yell at the muscle to get stronger... LOL A post shared by SWIS (@swis_drkenkinakin) on
View this post on InstagramSuper enthusiastic about the upper back and how it can cause all types of shoulder pain.
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Panel discussion...I learned majority of the success within a business, team, or with a client are rooted back to two common themes: Building genuine relationships & Developing communication skills. #elitefts #strengthtraining #seattlepersonaltraining A post shared by Matt Collins (@collins_garage_strength) on