A Throwback QA
OK, you helped me out last time. Thanks. I kind of feel silly. A friend told me about a technique for squatting. He said that icing your testicles helps raise your testosterone levels. I tried it and all I got was an ice burn on my balls, and my squat went down five pounds. If it is true, should I ice after lifting? Last time, I iced before I lifted. Thanks. Train hard and lift big weights. P.S. What is the financing option of weight releasers for 36 months?
Thank God your "friend" didn’t tell you about a technique that involves getting kicked in the balls to kick start testosterone production. I’m not sure where your "friend" got the idea, but if it really worked, you’d see many more ice packs to nuts scenarios unfold at major meets.
There have been studies to show that extreme cold exposure can lead to increased growth hormone production, but you don’t see many lifters swimming in Lake Michigan. The moral of the story is that although it is good to try new things, you have to know where to draw the line before you sterilize yourself.
After reading this, I had to give it a try. You know I’ll try anything. Well, I got a butter dish and filled it up with water. I put an apple in the middle of it and put it into the freezer overnight. The next morning, I cut the apple out and had a real nice hole just perfect to fit my balls into. I figured that this would be perfect. I could wear some loose shorts, pull myself out to the side, and place my bag in the dish as I drove to the gym. This way my testosterone levels would be optimum when I arrived at the gym 45 minutes later.
The dish worked perfectly. While it hurt like hell in the beginning, the pain wore off with time. With Godsmack blasting over the speakers, I gunned it down the highway at about 85 miles per hour. I knew that once I got to the gym, the PRs would fall. Who else would be doing this? Could this be the edge that I had been looking for the past 12 years?
Well, I ran into a bit of a traffic jam and got stuck next to a semi-truck driver. The look on his face was one of total shock. He had to be asking himself, “Why in the hell does that big bald dude have his bag in a butter dish?” Screw him! I have to squat!
The traffic jam kept me on ice for another ten minutes. When I pulled into the parking lot, I could actually feel the testosterone building. I haven’t felt this much aggression since my wife ate all the Ho Hos. When I stopped the car, it was time to pull my bag out and get in the gym. If you remember the kid in the movie, "The Christmas Story," with his tongue struck to the flagpole, my bag was frozen to the butter dish. Then it hit me. I had to walk into Westside Barbell club with my bag frozen to a butter dish. I could see the look on Louie's face after I walked in the door holding my gym bag in one hand, my belt in another, and a butter dish attached to my bag.
I couldn’t deal with this so I had to get out of there as soon as possible. However, at the same time, I had to find a way to get this damn dish off of my nuts. And then it dawned on me. There was a car wash down the street. So I made the trip down there…and I woke up in a cold sweat. It was 2:30 a.m., and I was fine. I didn’t have any frozen balls or butter dish. It was all a dream (nightmare). This damn Q&A is coming to me in my dreams. The moral of the story is people who tell you this kind of stuff have no idea what they’re talking about.
Circa 1997 and I am Getting amped on the old Ultimate Orange. I remember it was not very Orangey going down but i can tell they tried.. pretty nasty crap. My stomach grinds a bit like i just took medicine. First red flag.
But i dont care as long as it works. Keep in mind this is just high school ball. Not a meet or anything super intense that i would need this crap. It starts to do its thing in about 10 minutes... all of a sudden i feel like the Hulk. I am envisioning how much this is gonna elevate my game cause I am STOKED. I will ABSOLUTELY be using it in season! I get my warmup done quick cause i am not trying to waste this intensity on getting "warmed-up" to lift the heaviest weight i can.
An odd thing was happening right around 15 minutes.. you know how styrofoam smells? That was what i could taste in my mouth. I dont think it was from the drink because the drink did not taste like that. This was new. I could be wrong but I think it was from the effects of the stimulants. Second red flag.
I step up to the bar starting to feel a little otherworldy. Like im starting to disconnect from things. My stupid teenage mind is like, "Yeeeaaahhh, this is the zone.". The bar doesnt really feel as cold or as hard as it should and I feel like i cant get enough air in my lungs. Third and final red flag... three strikes kid. Youre out.
I do the first attempt at a weight i have done multiple times. It goes up... but kinda sloppy. I rack the weight and the dam breaks. I Ulitmate puke all over my coach and start having an Ultimate panic attack. I start screaming, IM GONNA DIE!!" while running towards the showers.... dont know why it made sense to run there but i thought cold water would help or something. Well, that made me hyper ventilate even more and I started to get tunnel vision my hearing started to fade out like i put on earmuffs.... i was thinking, "yup, i just died. My mom is gonna be SO MAD" I dont die (of course) but instead I start to calm down a bit, adrenaline dumped so I am S-H-A-K-I-N-G.
I am slumped over in the showers with cold water drenching me. Between the adrenaline shaking me and the cold water drenching me my body is practically convulsing. Im a total mess! My ears have this weird ringing thing going on when my hearing starts to come back. I remember how sharp and LOUD everything seemed. Same thing with my eyes, i clear the tunnel and it seems just too bright and sharply focused. My nose has snots running down my face and i can smell puke. My voice is trembling like a toddler that just got done with a crying after a good spanking.... I speak soft as I can because its all i can muster and I also feel like if i talk to hard "it" will come back. I say to my Brother who chased me to the showers.... "Throw that crap out E, it almost killed me"
For the next few weeks just thinking about it would make me gag a little. You know, like when you are having fireball and jack with your buddies until you poison yourself. So every time you walk past Cinnabon in the mall you die a little and want to vomit. It was like that. Except the mere thought was enough.
Well, of course i get brave after awhile, chalk it up to first time user error plus I gotta hit a PR to redeem myself! I mean come on this stuff was mentioned in the Bill Philips Supplement review and guide as a Legit performance booster!!
So, down goes two more scoops a few months later!
Good times.... but not really