It was over two decades ago when I ruptured two lumbar discs. Back then, every doctor I saw wanted to cut me open and then put me in a brace for six months. They also told me I would never lift competitively again.
Even nowadays back surgery success seems like a coin flip, so imagine how bad the odds were over 20 years ago. I chose not to get the surgery. I did go through a pretty rough spot for a few months using prescription medication and alcohol to get along. That got old quick and I realized it was not how I wanted to go through life.
Little by little I started making my way back to the gym. My bench was the worst of my three lifts, but it was all I had left. With that, I sought out some of the best benchers in the country to train with and learn from. Over time I was able to carve out a pretty good resume for myself in the bench world.
No matter what I accomplished benching, I always yearned to get back on the platform for a full meet. Unfortunately, I accumulated a bunch of other injuries including completely rupturing one biceps and partially rupturing the other, a ruptured umbilical hernia and torn MCL. That along with the usual bumps and tweaks from being under to bar for 34 years really hampered the idea.
I have tried to train for a full meet comeback a few times and my body just could not handle it, but I never gave up. Sporadically, when I felt pretty good (you never feel really good as an aging powerlifter), I'd give it another go. Fortunately, this time I have been able to hang in there.
I think what's really helped is following Swede's 5th Set. The program, percentages, assistance work, and progressions have all suited me well. It's been really helpful that Swede himself has been guiding me along. I can't forget to mention the importance of getting out to train with Rhodes, Wendler, and Tate this summer. Having those knowledgeable and helpful eyes on my lifting was critical.
So here I am, one week out from fulfilling a bucket list wish. I'm equal parts nervous and excited. I'm trying not to put too many expectations on myself, but that's difficult. The goal is to complete the meet and have some fun. Thanks for reading and Wish me luck.
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