I went and squatted with the old gang at Choate. We used the Duffalo bar and all felt well. The next day my left shoulder, the good one, felt a little tweaked. So in my infinite wisdom I shoulder pressed Tuesday. Long story short, come Wednesday morning I could not lift my left arm up at all. On a pain scale of 1-10 I was at an 8 with pangs of a 10 when I'd move it.
I couldn't find my shoulder sling from when I tore my bicep off, so I went and bought one. I slung it up and started a steady course of motrin and pain meds. The thing that sucked most was my birthday was Saturday and Jessica got me the best present ever, the Dead-Squat Bar. It's basically a massive hex bar to deadlift with. I tried the exact bar at Wendler's a month ago and I loved it so much it stirred me in my nether region. So I get this bad ass bar, but couldn't lift with it. No worries though, best gift ever, and I will get to use it before too long.
For Friday I just did treadmill work for two hours. I figured can't do anything else so I'd better get in what I can. It was just steady state work. I can't move too intensely because if a movement shakes my arm, it hurts. Saturday was some body weight lower body work. Sunday I got out for 45 minutes of hills. Always doing work, injured or not.
The good news is I'm actually typing this with both hands. I took the sling off my arm on Saturday morning. It felt like it was getting too stiff. I have also been squeezing a stress ball. Just keeping more blood flowing to the shoulder has been helping a lot. I have had this in my right shoulder/arm quite a few times. It usually takes over a month to clear, but because the left has been so less effected over the years I'm expecting a speedy recovery. I also stopped the motrin. More recent studies show nsaids and ice can actually slow down the healing process. I'll use them for pain management. Once I'm able to handle the pain, I cut them off.
I'd post numbers, but there's nothing really to post. I have said it all above. I'm just going to get through this week and then I'm off to Aruba anyway. Now I'll just focus on recovery until then and only do what my body allows pain free. A novel idea, but I'm trying.