I first posted this pictures on facebook and decided to post here so they would be seen by more people and easier for find for later reference.
This from textbook for physical culture institutes edited by A.N. Vorobiev - I copied this one from the Soviet Sports Review and placed in a binder under the same name with a date range of 1983-1991. Many years later I purchased every Soviet Sports Review published. I still use my "red book" as the go to source #meathead4years
This from textbook for physical culture institutes edited by A.N. Vorobiev - I copied this one from the Soviet Sports Review and placed in a binder under the same name with a date range of 1983-1991. Many years later I purchased every Soviet Sports Review published. I still use my "red book" as the go to source #meathead4years
Reviewing Angel Spassov article from 1988. I actually did this cycle for my squat. Week 3 took forever but this took my squat from 700-740. My meet was on week 5. I vowed that I'd never do that training again... and never did. I look back at these old articles a few times a year and am always amazed at the things I missed, didn't understand but now do, or have completely forgot about. This is in the NSCA Journal Volume 10, Number 5 1988 - Constructing training programs Part 2
I was asked several questions about this on Facebook. Below are my answers:
David TateTwo sessions per week. This is based on what your training max is to start but you work up to your max (100%) then the work sets after are based on the max you just did. On week three you work up to a new max 3x and the following work sets are based on those. This way your work sets are based on your real max for that day, time and physical state. I do not recommend this. I found a better way using a perceived max. This is why you will see a PM "perceived max" in many of the programs I create. I feel this is also a great way to do max effort work when not going for a single.
David TateYes. All we had back then was single ply suits and wraps. I used the best I could get my hands on. The worst part of it was many times the suits would blow out. Most the time I didn't use a bench shit as the carry over wasn't worth the pain in the ass of getting it on and if it blew out I wasted an attempt. If my pecs were messed up (my first pec tear was in 87) I used a shirt two sizes bigger.
David TateYou need to understand your 100% drops every time you hit it again. On week 3 my first 100% May have been 680 so the weights after that were based off the 680. The next 100% May have only been 640 and the weights after that were based on the 640 then last 100% might have been 600. The 100% is for the physical state you were in at that exact time in the session. You can look at this as the same type of program model as others because it's not. If strength programs interest you I highly recommend looking into as many models as you can find.
Are these percentages based on a training max and if so what % of your actual max were you using for TM?
Thanks for posting this, it's very interesting to me. Did you do ANYTHING after squatting in these workouts? What was your pre-squat routine like then, as well?