I just recommended this to an old dear friend of mine. I think it's so good that I'll share it with anyone who cares to read and apply it. FOR FREE!
Here's what I said: "You may want to try my 30/30/30 plan. 30 minutes of "fasted" conditioning, and I mean not so hard that you use your glycogen and burn muscle. It should be so easy (like a walk) that you utilize your current fat storage for energy. THEN...take in 30 grams of PROTEIN. (one hardboiled egg has about 5 grams). Do this for 30 days and tell me how you feel and look! This is strictly for fat loss. You'll have to work at a harder pace for Oxygen uptake increases. If you really want to put on the old (his name) athletic show (and he was and maybe still is a GREAT athlete), fit some big movement weightlifting three days a week. (Squat/Bench/Deadlift/Overhead Press)