Rather than post each training session as a single post I wanted to try to do something different this time as it will provide a different overview of my training.
For more of my training history see THIS post.
This entry will begin with last Saturdays leg training session:
Seated Leg Curls
* 6-7 warm up sets working up 10 pounds per set
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (to failure)
Leg Press
* 8-9 warm up sets of 10-15 reps
* as we worked up and the weight got heavier the sets dropped from 15 to 10 - The last 4 sets were counted as work sets
Squat Machine
* 2 warm up sets of 8 reps
* 5 work sets of 8 reps
Leg Extensions
* 3 sets with 8 reps top only / 8 reps full reps and 8 reps bottom only
Glute Presses
* 2 sets 20
Slight Incline Dumbbell Press
* Many warm up sets of 10
* 4 work sets of 10-12 with 90 pounds
Chain Press (just cable handles and chains)
* This is more a modified press - fly
* 4 work sets of 10-12
* 2 work sets using forced eccentrics to failure
Decline Hammer Press
* 4 sets 10-15 reps
Pec Minor Dips
* 5 sets to failure
Machine Flies
* 4 sets 10-15 (to failure)
Partial Pulls off Blocks
* many warm ups
8 315x32 reps
Tsunami Bar Pull Downs
* 2 warm up sets
* 4 work sets of 10-12 (to failure) - each set also included 4 rest pause reps after failure.
Grenade Cable Straight Arm Pull Down
* 2 sets of 30
- I normally have Muscle Activation Therapy on this day so I only train if I have no other option
Rope Pushdowns
* 4 sets of 20 - warm ups
* 4 work sets of 15-20 (to failure), after failure I cheat 3 reps and use one arm for the eccentric
Spud Strap Overhead Cable Extensions
* 2 warm up sets
* 3 sets of 10
* 3 sets of 12
*3 sets of 15
- all with the same weight and tempo
Slayer Bar Curls
* 3 warm up sets
* work up to 4 sets of 6 with a weight I can do 8-10 with. At the end of each set I did 6 bottom partials
Leg Extensions
* 3 sets of 30 - warm up
Box Squats with Chains
* Worked up to 315 with 6 chain per set. Each warm up set was 5-6 reps. last set was 100% effort that resulted in 18 reps
Leg Press
* 2 warm up sets
* 1 up set starting at 5-6 plates per side
8 reps, hold at top as partner adds one plate, 8 more reps, keep working up until you can't get 8 reps. I think I hit 5-6 loads.
Seated Leg Curl
* 1 set 30 reps with 100 partials
-- This session only had 3 work sets in it but was brutal as hell. As you can see based on this week when I have time I add more volume and the level of effort drops. When I do not have as much time the total volume drops but the effort gets pushed way up. This has become a balancing act with me and has allowed for me to be able to get everything I need to get done, done without having to give up too much.
This has it's draw backs and there are days I do not have much time and really don't want to take the effort up as high as needed and other days I really would like to spend more time in the gym. Overtime training like this has allowed my joints to stay healthier than anything else I have ever done. The other down side is I am never really sure when or how much time I will really have until I get to the gym and even that can change once I get there.