The shotgun is loaded, the plastic tarp is on the ground out behind the gym, the Coors Light is on ice and the chicken wings are in the fryer. Later today we're going to shoot Vincent Dizenzo. He's like an old, used up race horse with no more miles left in the tank. We can't even put him out to pasture to sire new foals. He's just done!
For those of you that don't know, Vincent competed in his last "real" meet this past weekend. I'm positive he'll compete again, but only on his terms.
I can probably list most, if not all of his accomplishments in powerlifting. It's an extensive list. All kinds of numbers and records.
The best accomplishment (to me) is when he and TT let me train with them one Friday 12 years ago. This started our love affair. At first I was in awe. I got to train with Vincent Dizenzo! Like a smart, good training partner I shut my mouth and listened for a LONG time. I watched, I listened, I took notes and I followed the program Vincent laid out for me to the letter.
As we got to know each other and truly became friends I still had/have the utmost respect for him. I didn't always agree, but I understood that he had travelled the path long before I set foot on it.
As we got to know and trust each other we would always ask (like all training partners do) each other what we thought of our training. What changes should we make? What's working? And, like great training partners, we ALWAYS shot each other straight. This usually led to some awesome disagreements. Especially when it came to Westside. HAHAHAHAHA! But, when it all came down to it I knew Vincent had my best interests in mind when he gave his advice and I the same.
He would always say something to the effect of, "I benched a World Record with no training partners! I don't need any of you." This is paraphrased, of course. There were usually more expletives in there. This was usually preempted by one of us doing or not doing something that was just stupid in all ways.
At first it really pissed me off. I helped him achieve "x" goal. And I was there when he needed "y". and the list goes on. I don't know exactly what he meant when he would say these things, but I took it as he was going to reach his goals regardless of who he had around him. And, he was right. That's something I kind of had in me already because of my athletic background, but it helped me tremendously in my pursuit of powerlifting stupidity. I love the help, but I'm doing it with or without you.
Before I met Vincent I knew how to eat. I walked on at Arizona weighing 190lbs. Four months later I was 225 and a year after that I was 255. I thank Vincent for the eating disorder and body dysmorphia he gave me. At the height of my awfulness I was 331lbs of pure, unadulterated disgusting and useless. Thanks Vincenzo, you're a true friend.
Anyway, I'm happy for Vincenzo. He made his run and has found that he's just done with it. It's a great feeling. Nothing more to prove to yourself. Just train because you want to, not because you have to. It's the best time I've ever had training. I look forward to the lifting talks Vincent and I have moving forward. I know he's a creature of habit and structure and he won't truly let go, but the overlying stress of powerlifting will be gone and he'll be able to settle in and chase different goals.
Cenzo, you're no longer BFP.