Just catching up. I don't have a lot to say other than my body is starting to feel better. Had a nice fourth of July as I hope the rest of you did. Spent time with the family, watched some fireworks, and saw Central Intelligence. Pretty funny movie by the way
I have been sticking with two exercise sessions a day. I'm digging it. I also did a little extra work on overhead day. I'm trying something new for me, just adding a little something - something in when I feel like it. I'll keep you all updated.
-30 minute weight vest walk
-Light kb swings 4x25
-Foam roll/stretch
-Seated OHP with football bar 170x5, 190x3, 215x10, 170 5x8
-One arm dbl rows 70 5x10
-Dips bw x10, w/10 lbs 4x10
-Barbell curls 45x10, 55 3x10, 45x10
-Pullups w/10 lbs 3x3
-Micro mini pullaparts 4x10
-Light kb swings 4x25
-30 minute hike with weight vest
-KB swings 10x10
-Foam roll/stretch
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