I live in a lake community, and as I left the house for work this morning, I couldn't help but notice all of the boat trailers, trucks, and cars parked in the yards of all the homes that surround the water. During my daily carry out stop for gas and monster drinks, the sound of ice bags loaded into trucks and coolers was background noise to the plans of grilling out, water skiing, jet skiing, and so on.
A long weekend and the start of summer is in the air!
There I was filling my tank to head into work for several hours, grab a quick training session, and then head out to my niece's graduation party.
I had to pause for a moment, not because I was heading to work, but out of Thanks and Gratitude to live in a county that provides us with the choices and freedoms we have.
Isn't this what Memorial Day is all about? Pausing to think about those who gave everything for us to have the freedom we do. Very few of us have or ever will have to endure the tasks they were asked to endure, or the horrors it entailed, yet they prevailed. Millions of acts of sacrifice for us!
I am reminded that I am the inheritor of something I have paid little for and will never take for granted.
I have tried to live my life under the motto of Live, Learn, Pass on. On this day, I am reminded that I am the inheritor of something I have paid little for and will never take for granted. I’m humbled and honored to be an American and will do my best to honor those who’ve who gave this to me.
To all those who’ve served and have lost those that have.
Thank You