I woke up this morning with this impending feeling of inadequacy as I shook the slumber from my pea size brain. Here I am, a Team Member of THE best Strength and Conditioning Web sites on planet EARTH!
There are over 70 members on the team with expertise in Strength Training, Conditioning Athletes, and even Professional grade Bodybuilders. Why the fuck am I focused on telling YOU the reader more about the strength aspects of this site? Hell, there are a lot of stronger people here that are already doing that.
What I think I'm going to start doing is to teach and motivate people more on the unsung and often overshadowed aspect of the Strength and Conditioning programs and that is the CONDITIONING part.
I'm not saying I won't post the weight portion of our workouts at "The Combat Sports Academy" but I am about to embark on the education of the heart, lungs, oxygen uptake values, and body composition that go along with a strong musculo-skeleton system in the hope of directing some of you fat fuckers into a healthier lifestyle.
Yes! Still compete in Powerlifting or any of the strength sports. Do it with vim and vigor...BUT, my goal is to have you continue in the sports for a loooooong time to come.
I was actually kind of pissed off yesterday after reading multiple posts on social media from people who are fat and unhealthy, recommending conditioning exercises that they obviously do not participate in.
I also know very few "Super Heavy Weights" that haven't had some sort of joint damage or replacement at fairly young ages.
My personal goal is one of "Immortality". It would be a whole lot more fun to have many of you alongside me for the extended stay!
My first order of business is to make sure there is an understanding that if your weight lifting program is giving you the results that you want...don't change it!
But if you are going to "bulk" up, because mass does in fact moves mass, then we need to rethink which weight class you would be better off in for the longevity of the sport and YOUR life!
Fellas...If you are over 15% body fat, you'll want to come back often to read more about what you can do to reduce THAT.
Ladies...20% body fat is your mark and even then, we want it lower.
So for this Sunday's activity...if you are new to this...Go take a 20-minute walk you fat fucks! (10 minutes out the front door and then turn around. Simple. Take your dog and spouse with ya too)
And stop eating like you're starving!