It doesn't rain here in California often, especially THIS time of year. But when it does there is something magical about it.
People are often duped into thinking that pushing THE Prowler on a wet surface somehow becomes easier. As IF the rain makes it lubed and ready to slide. ON THE CONTRARY!!! It becomes STUCK with redwood tree roots.
We know multiply that effort by doing it with MORE weight than the last time we pushed it, which was over a week ago. (remember, I was giving my groups a "rest" )
Regardless, the embracement of the SUCK was even more necessary. I bask in the glory of the suck. When it is over, depression falls upon me like a dark veil. I begin to miss the hurt.
The people that embrace it with me become more than lifting partners, or brothers/sisters, they become SOUL (or swole) mates.
Momentary "ONE" with me. "I love Brian Piccolo."
Here is the break down:
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x60% w/ Mastodon Bar and Low box
Dynamic Dead Lift: 10x1x SAME WEIGHT as squat
Pull up totals=3154
Push Up totals=4231
Dip Totals-5283
Prowler Totals: 14,720 yards