Every so often a new group of exercise experts will come along. They will be featured on some of my favorite podcasts or they will show up in the news (Respected pages I will add) to bring about the newest and latest GREAT WAY of training.
Yep, these people will tell you of the success they are getting with doing their new "made-up" exercise, or their new innovative program and they will regurgitate the "Science" by which they came up with these conclusions.
Some stuff is actually quite helpful. The approach they have might be a twist I never thought of in EXPLAINING the why of it all. (There are many communication styles. Maybe I'll go into detail about THIS at another time) BUT, 90% of the rhetoric I would throw out! I've come away more times than not with this one-word, one-phrase response..."Bullshit"
The way I've always seen it if I want to know how to improve my Squat, I would find the best squatter and watch them train. When they had time, I would ask them questions about HOW they got to where they are.
Improving my bench? Same thing as it would go along with improving my deadlift. (Good thing I'm personal friends with the G.O.A.T. Ed Coan. haha)
The quickest way to cross a minefield is to follow in the exact footsteps of the guy who successfully made it. Stepping somewhere else might result in a blown-off limb.
You will live life through experiences. Your own, which will cost you time and money, or someone else's. Why would you ask a "How to?" question of someone who failed at it? That's stupid!
So here we sit with NEW found experts who have nowhere near the success of some of the established people in the industry. But because they sound like PhDs we immediately give them credibility.
I'm not to keen on that idea.
I've been asked, "Coach, how many exercises do you know?" and I respond with "FIVE"
It's true, I know only five exercises but I can progress/regress those exercises 100-fold.
- Squat
- Lunge
- Push
- Pull
- Twist
That's it! That's all I know!!!
Ask me "Where did you learn that from? or What's the science behind that?" and I might answer with:
Because I've done it this other way and it sucked. Or, I got hurt doing it that way, Or it plain old doesn't work!
I might even answer the question of "Can you cite the source?" with "I am the source, motherfucker" (that's how old I am) or "No, I can't cite any source, I am saying this because I care"
I will take my information and education going forward from only the people who have the fruit that I want on their tree.
Keep your theories. Keep your "new and improved", I'll be happy with used and successful every time.
Today's Training:
Fasted Conditioning: 50 mins
GHR: 4x8
RDL: 4x8
GHR: 4x8 (again)
Kettle Bell Swing: 4x12
Blast Strap Row: 55 reps
Pushups: 55 reps
BOSU Situps: 100 reps
Dead hang: 35 seconds
Front Plank: 50 seconds