My first powerlifting meet was nearly 37 years ago. Even though it’s been a few years since I competed last, I still feel like a powerlifter. I still train like a powerlifter.
Powerlifting is ingrained in me. The problem is, my body can’t handle the same type of training I did for most of my life. That balls to the wall lifting has caught up with me.
Now I won’t have the audacity to say powerlifting is as brutal on the body as a contact sport like football. But, powerlifting is up there as far as beating yourself up is concerned. There’s a reason there’s no such thing as a senior league NFL. Yet, you can compete in powerlifting up to any age.
Don’t think I’m saying you can’t or shouldn’t compete up until the ripe old age of whatever. You can. That said, training will have to be adapted especially if you’ve had more than a few decades on the platform.
I used to thrive on heavy weights and lots of sets. Now, I can do heavy weights, but only for very few sets. If I want to do more sets, I have to use lighter weights. Pretty simple concept for the brain, pretty hard on the ego.
It’s not rocket math (yes, I know the expression is “rocket science” but “rocket math” is just funnier. Most of my posts are my ponderings reminding me what I should be doing. And if it helps a few of you along the way, cool beans.
Best regards
Malin in Sweden