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Made my numerical progress post yesterday, and just thinking about life and accountability has me examining the physical as well. If I would have shown this photo to my 13 year old self, who was terrified of girls, terrified of confrontation, scared of his own thoughts, and basically second guessing every thought he had constantly, that little kid would have no idea that it was himself he was seeing. I never would have imagined I'd be where I am today. Not 10 years ago, not even TWO years ago, but here I am. And here I stand. Self reflection Is USELESS if you take no action from it. You IDENTIFY your traits, your strengths, and your shortcomings and then you USE them to get better. Better yourself, better others, better the world. Just whatever you do, you can't stop. I know I won't. And who knows who will be looking at me in the mirror another 10 years from now. .