Without beating around the bush, I'll start with this, I love competing. In my opinion, there's nothing that fuels training better than competing. Plus, having a competition puts a hard date on testing.
I have a standing goal of running an 8-minute mile each year. Last year, I started to attempt it at the track one day, felt lousy, and just stopped. In a million years I could never imagine being on the platform lifting and halfway through, walking away. Not happening.
My lifting has been going well. That's often a recipe for disaster because I don't know what to do with myself. For the past bunch of however many years, I have been dealing with whatever malady my body has been throwing my way. So the goal was to just train what I could and try to get my body whole.
Now that my body is whole I need a goal. Screw it, why not a bench meet. I'm sure professional golfers who retire from the tour still play golf for fun. Plus, they can play on the seniors' tour. Luckily, powerlifting has the same option.
So while I'm committed to my reverse diet which has me putting a few lbs back on, I'll take advantage of it. I have no goal in mind yet, other than getting on the platform. Stay tuned.