It's simple, but it might not be easy. Put your damn phone away! Seriously, try it. I know right now so many of you are saying "No, that's not me." Yeah, I used to think the same thing.
I am not a really big social media guy. I dig it and go on it sporadically. Lately, I have been trying to post more especially with all that is going on. I think it's a good way to stay connected to people.
What I have found is that when I have taken a video or a picture I am spending way too much time trying to think of a clever way to word a post. Then there are hashtags. Not to mention I type on a phone like an ape. Speaking it in isn't much better for me. Hey, I'm old.
Regardless of how long it takes to do something on your phone, it's a distraction to your training. If you want to take a picture or video, that's fine. Take it, then post it up after training.
If your training numbers are on your phone, get them on paper. Just putting your hands on your phone to look at your numbers will tempt you to open that last tag, mention, or text. Unless you are a heart surgeon, you are not that important. You can be out of touch for an hour. People did it all the time before mobile phones.
Wednesday was my first day not touching my phone during training and I'm embarrassed to say it was a lot harder than I thought. I'd hear a ping and I felt programmed to look at it. Guess what, I survived.
Friday things went even better. I not only survived not checking in on my phone, but I thrived. I had deadlift amrap and I killed it. Between sets instead of looking at my phone, I was focusing on the task at hand. I did some deep breathing and visualization. I felt much more connected to my training. I did take a video, but never even looked at it until I was done.
Be honest with yourself and put the phone down for a few sessions. If you are the least bit in tune with yourself you'll see what a big difference it can make.