I am and have always been a straight to the point kind of person. When I'm coaching I gather information from my participants by asking "seeking" questions that requires a simple "yes" or "no" response.
I hardly ever ask a question that can be answered by a question. Too much thinking is involved for my pea brain. So when it happens... I go beyond pissed, I go straight to Ape Shit ag'd.
Outside the gym we can debate (not really, but ok) we can have discussion, but inside the program I am like the fucking burning bush itself! I know what I know, and I know what I don't know. I also don't misrepresent the things I don't know with the premise that I do know.
I DON'T!!!
But certainly don't ask me a question when all I need is an answer to better give you guidance.
Yes or No will be fine!
Today's Training:
Tier I
Run: 5K Felt fast until I looked at the time. hahahaha
Pin Press- 6 RM to a PRE of 7
Shrug: 3x12x405
4 way neck: Yup...back at it so I don't look like old man skin under the jowels. 1x25x3.5
DB LR: 3x10x30
Face Pull: 3x10x100
Rope Tri Pushdown: 3x10x100
Pull ups: 10x3 super slow and controlled
Skull Crusher: 3x10x65
Suspended Knee to Elbow: 3x15
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Tier II
Hip Ext w/ band around knees: 100 reps
Walking Lunge: 100 reps each leg
Bench: 5x10x65
DB LR: 50 reps
12" Step Ups: 5x10 non stop
BB Curl: 5x10
DB Supine Tricep Ext.: 5x10