Watching a child grow up is an amazing thing to experience. The look in their eyes when they see something for the first time EVER is mind blowing as a parent. Simple things even.
But my son is different. Luke does not talk and he doesn't recognize his own name when you say it to him, no matter how many times that you say it. He can not communicate that he is hungry or that he wants anything. It is nearly impossible to have any comprehension at any given time as to what he is thinking, what he is wanting, or to have any idea what to expect next.
With me, he is a little different. When I say his name he will respond about 7 out of 10 times. I can understand that he is hungry by the tone of his yelling and most of the time I can tell you what it is that he wants to eat (milk or chips or normal food). Maybe we have a special bond or maybe it is just because we spend so much time together...but we have something between us that nobody else does.
If you know me and see me then you know that I'm seemingly always wearing the same Cargo Camo shorts every single time that you see me...or I'm in gym shorts. I actually have about 7 pair of the same Cargo Camo shorts that my Dad sent me in the mail and it seems that my son Luke knows the difference between a Training Day and a Rest Day.
For a child that doesn't respond to his own name or can't tell you that he wants milk, he sure found a way to communicate something to his Dad when he wanted to say it. And I melted...
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