Well, I am pissed a little. My biceps and lats are just a pain! Literally! They haven't stopped cramping or throbbing.
On Wednesday I sat out do box squat and the moment I pulled down tight on the bar I felt like I'd been hit with a taser. Might have peed a little bit! So I had to adjust the rest of the week!
Wednesday: Powerlifting Day
Box Squat
235 + Heavy Bands x 2 x 4 sets
Change to OBB Handles
235 x 2 x 4 sets
Add Briefs
335 x 2 x 4 sets
Add Avg Bands x 1
Add Avg Bands x 1
Squats to Chains
336 + Heavy Bands x 1
+ Avg Bands x 1
+ Avg Bands x 2
Speed Bench
+ doubled mini bands
145 x 4 x 3 sets
189 x 3 x 3 sets
255 x unrack, re-rack
Finished off with some stretching and therapy work
Friday Rolled around and my mental plan was to do some work with 70 KG on both snatch and clean and jerk, figure something (anything) out technically, and be prepared for Sunday.
40 kg x a bunch
50 kg x 3
40 x 5 pulls, 1 snatch
50 x 5 pulls, 1 snatch
55 x 3 pulls, 1 snatch
60 x 1 snatch
40 kg x HOLY COW NO WAY!
60 x a few
100 x a few
140 x 1
180 x 1, everything felt "rough" and scared, no reason to push it
Went home and ate and slept A TON!