"I see everywhere people wearing masks of empty smiles to cover the sadness that dwells deep inside them, soulless beings living under a kind of spell, as if in hypnosis. They move but they can’t decide, they speak but they can’t think, they believe but they can’t see for themselves. They are merely puppets in the hands of controllers, and the controllers are in turn puppets in the hands of others.
Only rarely does one gather the courage to escape from this zombie-like life. Among millions of people, only one finds the courage to walk on his own feet, without needing the permission of the mass. The man who does so is the most condemned, the most ridiculed, the most attacked, because this man is not fearful—and the man who shows no fear is the man to be most afraid of!
Such a man wants to see for himself, without having to believe in others. He wants to think for himself, instead of letting others do the thinking for him. He wants to rebel against the sick normality, instead of conforming to the flock of sheep. And once his eyes open he can shake the whole world, because such a man can speak the truth, point to our silly lives and wake us up from our soothing dreams.
Such a man is like a wolf among sheep, with the only difference that he does not want to devour the sheep but to turn them into wolves! But the sheep want to remain sheep–they love lullabies, they love living in dreams, and of course they love having a shepherd who takes care of them and is responsible for their lives."
Today's Training:
Leg Swing fwd/bkwed x 20
Bird Dogs: x10
Cat/Camels x 10
Wood Chops: 3x15 vs. band
Front Plank: 3x1 minute
Power Skip 6x10 yards
Power Sideway leaps (abduction) 6x10 yards ea. way
Prowler: 8x40 We've been getting rain the last couple mornings. Ever push the Prowler on a wet surface? It gains weight. So much fun it makes people hurl. (or is that just the Prowler?...Naaaa it's fun)