I've been digging the limited sets and using a rep range to determine weight choice on Accessory Day.
If I can't perform EIGHT quality reps on a set without maintaining form then the weight is too heavy.
If I can do 15 or more reps with great technique, then the weight was too light and I need to move up.
Keeping the technique and getting between the 8 and 15 marks will keep me using the same weight for a second set.
Now...I have what I call a "Hard Stop" number so I won't exceed and just tire the muscle out . Today that number was 25 reps.
The sets = 2 for the most part
Reps were 8-15 with a Hard Stop of 25
C/S Row: 2 sets: 1x20x70; 1x19x85
4 way Neck: 1x18x6.5
Bat Wing Pulldown: 2 sets: 1 x25x150; 1x17x200
Medium Bat Wing Pulldown: 2 sets: 1x25x140; 1x19x170
Back Extension: 2 sets 30 each
Chain Supine Tricep Extension: 2 sets: 1x25x One Chain; 1x25x Two Chains
DB Curl: 2 sets: 1x25x20; 1x20x30
Barbell Curl: 2 sets: 1x15x85; 1x12x90
Cable Rope Tricep Push Down: 2 sets: 1x25x100; 1x25x120
C/S Tricep Kick Back: 2 sets; 1x25x20; 1x19x30
Concentration Curl: 2 sets: 1x25x25; 1x25x30
"I'll take New Pain for $200 Please"