Over and over, I keep thinking about what Vincent Dizenzo said weeks ago..."I am now acquiring strength rather than just demonstrating it".
From my programming of my own workouts to those of the people that I train, "I am now acquiring strength and conditioning rather than demonstrating it"
I am lucky to be able to train WITH any person in my program. Recently I have partnered up with a couple great fellas which includes one BIG man who moonlights as one of our local high school's Offensive Line Coach.
I think J, could still play the position he vacated not too long ago in light of teaching it. He's strong, powerful, and has a great quick mind that "gets" my movie dialog sentences and sarcastic responses to questions.
While dynamic squatting today with our 10 sets of 2 reps @60% we talked about the Acquisition vs. Demonstration and how that phrase applies so very well with "LIFE" lessons.
We touched on the simple fact that in a football practice, like the weight room, we work Monday thru Thursday on the acquisition of skills, so as to be able to demonstrate it on Friday night against a worthy opponent.
Ask most athletes, it is rare to WANT to practice. But what if we re phrased "practice" into "Acquiring Skill"? Well hey now! No one WANTS to do 10,000 push ups. But if you knew IF you did, you would be closer to a BIGGER bench, would you? Of course you would. You'd do most anything to DEMONSTRATE how strong you are, how well prepared you are, or HOW MUCH SKILL (or CONDITIONING) you have worked hard to ACQUIRE.
Take that to the office...(I'm out of my league since I've never pretended to even have an office) Bad example...Never mind.
Regardless the acquired skill, condition, education, what ever permeated through the SSB Yoke Bar Straight Legged Good Mornings all 100 reps AND the Heavy weight Prowler for the 8 forty yard trips.
Pull up totals=5054
Push Up totals=5991
Dip Totals-8183
Prowler Totals: 21,900 yards