Make a list of all the things you avoid doing, even though you know it's good for you to do. (you can add to this list)
After doing that, pick ONE thing and do it! Do it now, don't even think of all the other things you could be doing. Just get this ONE thing completed, even if it scares you a bit.
As the "Admiral" will say..."even if it's making your bed, accomplish ONE thing and it will begin to snowball"
But you need to write down all the things you avoid in order to check it systematically OFF your list.
Today's Team Training:
Leg Swing: 20
Leg Abduction Swing: 20
Fwd Lunge: 20
All the weights remain the same as used on Tuesday
Bench: 5x13
DB Fly: 5x13
OHP: 5x13
DB Lateral Raise: 5x13
AirDyne: Upper Body Only 6 minutes