Among the many topics that were discussed this morning at the gym "Throw Back" was one that best described a process that I am now implementing.
Yes, as you read this, you are part of an experiment that I am doing at this very moment.
Throw Back or Renaissance Manning Up meant this, We have all the various forms of media, all the toys to access them and the means to quicken most of our information, but WHAT IF, we slowed the process down and actually read from a BOOK? No backlit kindles or iPads. No big screen little phones but HARDCOPY.
In the same vane, what if instead of voice recognition or typing, we actually WROTE stuff down, before transferring it from the handwritten to the typed?
As I am in my assumed resting deep squat position that I had been in during the initial phase of today's post HAND WRITING it first and now in the same hip opening squat re typing it with my blue teeth key board, I can safely tell you that my handwriting has regressed from a one time flowing letter almost artistically neat penmanship to a more childlike chicken scratch.
I'm not scientifically inclined enough to talk about the benefits of doing this, but what an eye opener! The phrase, "use it or lose it" is even held to truth during this little experiment.
Since this has become a lost art, I plan on HAND writing notes to some of my friends, JUST TO TOUCH BASE with them. Yes, I can use Facebook or Twitter, but a note card on parchment and how about this???......Use of a fountain pen might become something some of my pals look forward to. You know, like "Wow, that's unusual".
Reading from a book as well. Granted there is an easier method to obtain the material and consume it, but there is something to be said for the sound and feel of turning a page. There is a smell that comes from the paper in a book. Big PLUS is there is NO artificial back light to strain your pupils on.
15 minutes per day, read from a BOOK! Write at least ONE note card per week.
Now, all I need are addresses.
Wonder how well my intrinsic motor development will be while writing with an actual pen? I also wonder what will happen to me cognitively if anything?
Today's Training:
Low Box Squat w/ narrow stance and the SSB Yoke bar to a heavy three reps. Rest for 3 minutes and do another set at the heaviest weight for FIVE reps
Reps Squat: SSB Yoke bar- 8x12x100
GHR: 3x8; 3x8 holding a 20 lb med ball
45 degree back extension: 100 reps
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