![ADAPTATION, STAGNATION AND REGRESSION [HD TRAINING FOOTAGE INCLUDED!!!!!]](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/EliteFTSMGG-Adaptation-size-700adistress.jpg)
The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is one of the Featured Coaching Logs at EliteFTS.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: (Log number LXXXI). ADAPTATION OR STAGNATION AND REGRESSION [HD VIDEO INCLUDED!!!!]
Familiarity can breed stagnation, thus a variety of movements, to a degree can work to destroy sticking points as well as keep you moving upward on the powerlifting sigmoid curve.
What works for one powerlifter in training might not work for another powerlifter as we are all unique in our biomechanics. Having said that, what once worked for you individually might not always work for you, as just like another lifter is different than you, over time your body will change and evolve and you can become different two years from now than you are today. All you really need to do is look at your p.r.’s 24 months ago (especially for newer to the sport lifters) and see how far you have progressed in your strength. The p.r.’s you can physically see have changed, but your bodies systems, all of them (integumentary, muscular, skeletal, circulatory, nervous, lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine, etc) also change and adapt to both internal and external stressors.
This is often my point to newer lifters at the MGG, when we talk about programming. There is no holy grail to programming because although the program stays steadfast and true to itself, the user of the program is constantly changing and improving. Simple example: For a brand new lifter they might take 3 sets of a given weight on bench, 3 sets of shoulder, 3 sets of triceps. Having never trained before, they WILL be sore the next day. Fast forward 6 months, that simple regiment will be nothing more than warm up work. In other words the body adapted and the work must be not only heavier, with a greater volume, but the movements will often times need to be changed as the body has adapted.
Looking back at the past month at the MGG, this training video gives you some insight into the variation of movements used by the lifters. So, as what works for one lifter might not work for another, these are all lifters who share a common goal and train together at the same gym and who all support one another, but with regard to training, as individuals with these same commonalities, the training is still unique to the lifter and even within that lifter, they will eventually change enough as who they are physically and biomechanically now is different than who they physically were 3 months ago and will change again in 3 months’ time.
Looking at your own sigmoid curve with regard to progress is something that I have personally used over the past 27 years in the sport. Remember, with the curve, we are looking beyond if the numbers are just going up, but the rate that they are going up. Once that rate begins to slow, this is the point of changing aspects of training, as this time is the time just prior to the numbers leveling off and that will lead to them going down. Said differently, when needed, without adaptation one begins stagnation and ultimately regression and that is not a place where we as lifters looking ever forward want to end up.
To see more frequent posts, follow us at: https://www.facebook.com/MONSTER-GARAGE-GYM-122378057784944/
Equipment used in this coaching log:
Spud safety straps.
55 LB Texas power bar
EliteFTS deluxe monolift
EliteFTS deluxe competition bench
EliteFTS deluxe competition bench with thick(er) pad
EliteFTS 55LB Sabertooth bar
Dhama Sport band
EliteFTS bands
EliteFTS American Yoke bar
EliteFTS power rack
Buffalo bar
An original, 55LB Pasanella bar
Texas bar
EliteFTS Rackable cambered bar
Variety of bench boards
MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
***MONSTER GARAGE GYM shirts and MONSTER GARAGE GYM MONSTER GRIP on sale now at: http://shop.monstergaragegym.com/
As with all of our coaching logs, if you have questions about any of the information or need further explanation, feel free to message us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/MONSTER-GARAGE-GYM-122378057784944/
You can find ALL of the prior EliteFTS/Maroscher Coaching Logs at this link: https://www.elitefts.com/author/eric-maroscher/
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