It's been an interesting year with football. The team has grossly underachieved. Some of it is out of my control, but some is within my wheelhouse.
After talking with my GA's and taking notes I met with the head football coach to talk about our winter training (it's that time of year when classes for next semester are about to be scheduled). As usual, I have a very good grasp on the team (as I should - I see them all the time). My notes/concerns were identical to the head coach's.
Our team is pretty strong in the weight room and it has transferred to the field. We're just not a big team. Don't get me wrong, we're not small, but we have some guys that could carry more without it affecting their performance negatively.
In an effort to address these issues along with some other non-football performance related issues we're switching to a 4 day lifting template in the winter. I prefer a 3 day template, but our needs are a little different than they have been so I can't just do the same thing because that's what I've always done.
The theme from the head coach is "change" (sounds like Obama is running, again). In the spirit of his wishes, which I agree with 100%, we're going to do some things "out of their normal order" this winter.
The goals are the same as every single football program in America:
- Discipline
- Accountability
- Teamwork
- Teach them to handle adversity
- Stronger
- Bigger
- Faster
... all the catchphrases in this industry.
From the weight room side we'll focus on the Hang Clean, Push Press, Hang Snatch, Squat, Deadlift, Front Squat, Bench, Incline, Pull-ups and Rows. We'll still follow our normal progression that has brought results. So nothing there has changed. We'll just administer them differently.
The first phase (3 weeks) will be very simple and straight forward. Basically, a ton of volume (building on what they do at home over winter break) with the barbell. Very simple movements.
The second phase (3 weeks) will have the addition of some DB work and some single-leg work. Volume will still be pretty high. The core lifts I mentioned above will remain a staple.
The third phase (3 weeks) will be a continuation of the second phase with some exercise changes and a little reduction in volume as the third week we will test. I like testing because it shows improvement, but I'm not very worried about making crazy weight room improvements. I'm more interest in the "how." How the kids go throught the workouts. How they work. How they communicate with each other. How the handle adversity. How they handle being sore. How they handle being held accountable to doing things my way. How...
The reality is, if they do the work, they will absolutely get strong, bigger and test well. The head coach and I share the same thought process on this. Numbers are great, but how does it transfer to the field and how does the winter workout attitude improve and bring about positive changes when it comes to the mental side of things?
It's nice having a head coach that understands how the weight room and football work together. He understands that testing is great, but if it doesn't transfer that's a problem.
I know we have 4 more weeks (including this weekend), but I'm looking forward to getting them back on January 16th and getting started.
Once I get the first phase completed I'll post it. Until then, it's a work in progress.