This isn't normal for me. I understand that there are people that can do this quite regularly but ... I am not one of them. I have never once added calories - whether carbs or not - and dropped weight ... until now.
2 weeks ago I not only added an extra meal to get me to a consistent 6 meals per day but the addition was a carb meal and my weight not only has still been falling but it has fallen more than in the last few weeks and with less cardio this week. It does help that I use glucophage for blood sugar but I have been using it this entire time and the dosing has remained the same (scripted by my doctor for the record). Dosing is 1000mg (SR) for the 2 carb meals prior to training and 500mg (SR) for the 2 carb meals following me training (these 2 meals are closer together due to being postworkout).
I bottomed out at 214 this week and I have also gone from Skiploading all day Sunday to starting it at bedtime on Saturday night. Though my loading is higher fat I have started to make a conscious effort to get more carbs now and slightly less fat but there is still fat in there. It is not a typical Skipload with very low fat intake. As I get leaner the fat intake will go down and the carbs will continue to go up.
I also wanted to show a variation of the standing calf raise and though it might appear relatively subtle, facing out vs. facing inward changes the angle quite a bit with an "up and back" range of motion especially when the shoulder pads are too far forward. This facing outward position allows the upper body to remain more upright thr
Here is my projected Skipload for this weekend:
Saturday night:
Sushi with my wife or girlfriend - whichever shows more interest.
breakfast is tater tots (love em), raisin bread french toast with syrup that a client sent me while on vacation, ample supply of bacon, eggs, english muffins (because I get hungry while cooking) and crescent rolls.
Lunch is gnocchi with ground beef and pumpkin sauce
Sunday night for the Broncos game is burgers on the grill with nacho flavored tortilla pringles (I am hooked on these for some reason), chex mix and frozen yogurt bars.
I might snack throughout the day on Chex Mix, Baked Lays and Snyder's pretzels.
And, yes, when I go grocery shopping the morning of the load , I will have a full fat, full sugar Pumpkin Spice Latte - Vente of course. Hate me. I good with it.