Two parts to this volume thing. But today I wanted to give a recommendation that I found helpful as I get older.
Remember when you were younger and more of a Predator? I like to refer to my days at Ithaca College. The goal was to play sport, chase skirt, drink beer and possibly get an education. The order can and did change...depending!
The one thing that was a constant was your ability to go out most of the night, wake up, shower, and get to the 8:00 AM class that were almost mandatory in the school of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Not only that, but you did it without getting tired or EVER hungover. Ahhh yes, those college days.
Then for me, somewhere around 30, I couldn't "rebound" from those wild evenings and still function at 100% the next early morning.
NOW? I simply avoid those wild evenings and go to bed by dusk. (Kidding) I wake up ready to attack, but have curtailed those nights before. That burning the candle at both ends thing is real!
Same with weight lifting and conditioning volume.
As you age, there should be a bit of a reduction in TOTAL volume.
Gone are the days of a main lift, followed by two accessory exercises, then a few MORE hypertrophy exercises in the 5-8 set range with 15+ reps.
The next morning (3:00 AM for me) would have me roll out of bed, onto my knees for a quick "Thank you Baby Jesus for another day that I woke up without a line drawn around my body and forensics looking for the weapon" only to get up cracking and popping and STILL tired as if I didn't sleep at all, which...I probably didn't do anyway. (No kidding)
Now, knowing what I do know now...(say that backward and you'll sound like Yoda) I do a main lift, a secondary lift that is much like the main lift for increase in volume but not going ape shit. One to THREE supplemental exercises to address a weakness, pain or injury, some conditioning and call it a day!
Even though the workout that I'm about to write seems like a lot, in retrospect, it isn't all that hard because it's direct and straight to the point.
Listen to your body! What does it tell you? Adjust the volume down a bit so that you can continue to play the music!
Today's Training:
Pop Your Heart Wed.
Concept II Rowing Erg:
10 minutes steady state
10x15 second all out sprint pulls w/ 45 second recovery stroke
AirDyne Bike:
10 minute steady state ride
10x15 second Ape shit max pedal power w/ 45 second recovery pedal
Bike Ride Commute: 20 minutes
10x10 yards @50% just to get a rhythm and to loosen things up again.