I'm not going to lie.... this was the first time in a long that I took a full week off. Ok, I guess that's not completely true. Thursday and Friday, I did some light movements because I just feel better when I move. Literally took me 5 minutes.
After resting it up, we started some GPP/off season work on Monday. We definitely felt the effects of the conditioning work. The breakdown of our day went like this:
4 rounds of athletic movements (skips, shuffles, etc) - working movements and planes of motion that we don't normally do.
Barbell complex consisting of 8 exercises, 6 reps each. Complete in under 1 minute
Repeat for 3 rounds
We chose 3 exercises that were a basic set and rep scheme (for the most part). Again, single leg work, no barbells, hammer some volume. The leg extensions smoked us all.
Finished with sprints on the treadmill... NOT turned on. So just manually run the treadmill for 15 seconds. We had pre-written 9 sprints, but we only did 6. I think we underestimated how shot our legs would be after the leg extensions.
Give some of these a try. Do you ever program complexes or circuits in your off-season? You should!