I was thinking this morning how cool things are. Yea, politics aside, it's wonderful to drive on roads that are void of others because after all, YESTERDAY was the Super Bowl and today should be National Hangover Day. So I'm certain many folks stayed home. ONE for me!
So without having to pilot my ship like a squirrel getting treed by happy dogs in the park behind my house, I could let my mind drift.
Weird things happen when I do that. For instance, IF I didn't do what I do right now, I thought being that guy that pushes scared people out of airplanes when they sign up for Parachute lessons would be a marvelous vocation.
I also thought that it would be rather cool to climb into racks in clothing stores and wait for someone to browse the rack. Then whisper..."Oooo, pick me, pick me" when they select something and pull it out to admire it.
Ahhh the by-product of being AWESOME... Being weird! It's hella fun.
Suspended Top 1/4 Bench:
Work up to a heavy 1 rep.
Then take 20% off and do 3x5
DB Incline Chest Press:
Get to 100 reps in as few sets as possible. Motivate by increasing the weight by 5 lbs every time you put them down.
I did it like this:
50 lbs x 37
55 lbs x 34
60 lbs x 39
Bent over Band Rear Delt Raise:
Use a mini band and do 2 x infinity (and beyond)
I did 47 and 40 reps
Negative Accentuate DB Laterals: 3x12
Run: 5K