Dead Lifts off 4" pads that the plates rest on:
Work up to a HEAVY Triple using a Double Overhand grip.
-Rest for 3 minutes and Pull the same weight again for 1 rep
Dynamic Squat:
-Low box w/ Elite Pad on top
- Mastodon Bar (which is a heavy 45 lbs in my gym)
We usually will follow Squats and Dead lifts with some sort of Prowler torture, but today the Cross Fit program was using all of them and all the space to push them in. So, quick thinking, I see these Schwinn AirDyne bikes laying dormant. Only thing is, these bad boys are the Soup Up version called Air Assaults. I'm not sure what makes them so tough, perhaps the industrial size fan that displaces the air, but they are tough!
The goal is to FIVE one minute reps. Keeping the Watt's +500 as long as you can.
Let me say...YUP!!! Keeping this in the Conditioning Bag of tricks.
When I saw spaghetti strips (that's one level past stars) I knew we are onto something hecka hard!