You know all those things you have wanted to do???
You should do them.
It's already Thanksgiving. Next Christmas, then the New Year and all those things you want to do won't be any closer to getting done until you do them.
Now you don't necessarily need a great plan to get started. No...not at all!!! What you need more of is a set of BALLS and less excuses for the "why nots".
Go get something done rather than sitting on your ass looking at the Social Media pages!!!
Today's Training:
Leg Swing: 20
Leg Abduction Swing: 20
Cat/Camel: 20
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
Ab Wheel Roll out: 3x12
Front Plank: 3x1 minute w/ 30 second rest interval
Concept II Row:
5 minute Steady State
10x 20 second sprint/40 second recovery
AirDyne Bike:
5 minute steady state
10x 20 second all out sprint/ 40 second recovery