I'm about to drop off the grid for a much-needed edge sharpening.
The last time I went to my roots (Some place tropical or third world, hopefully, both) was pre-pandemic.
It's not that I don't enjoy the boogers out of what I do, but even God took a rest on the 7th day. So I am following the "Big Man's" lead and becoming unobtainable for a short duration to recharge my Power Packs.
In the next few hours, I'll be GONE.
The following hours will drop me off in the South Pacific where I can swim with turtles and dolphins. Climb with the monkeys, throw pineapples at tourists, and call them "Howlies". (I don't wear a watch so I don't have any tanlines like all the mainlanders have).
The extent of my conversations will be, "Aloha" and "Maholo" OH YEA, "Two more, please."
This will be my last post for about a week and you know what I say about that? "Seven days without me makes ONE WEAK". (see what I did there? haha)
So with that, I will say, "Aloha" (I dig that, it sounds like a welcoming greeting whether you are coming or going)
Today's Training:
KB Ladder: 1-20
GHR: 5x12
Fat Bar #2 Pin Pull vs. (get this now...) Double choked mini bands, a couple of chains per side, and a few pounds to make the fat bar almost impossible.: 12x5
Ab Wheel: 3x12