Just in case you live under a training rock AMRAP stands for As Many Reps As Possible. This is basically an all-out set. It is the foundation for a number of training programs. This is especially the case for Wendler's 5/3/1 which I have been using for many years.
With getting older and having put my body through the training wringer, I have less house money to play with. As much as I want to push myself I am much more likely to get injured than I used to be. So I have learned it's better to leave a little in the tank with my reps so that I can train consistently. As opposed to pushing myself too hard trying to finish an ugly rep where an injury is more likely.
As a coach of sorts and just a lover of lifting, I am always thinking about training. The more I thought about it, the more I realized AMRAP no longer fits as an acronym for what I should be implementing with training. I am stupid strong or maybe that should be, I am stupid when it comes to strength. I have often pushed myself beyond my body's limits. I feel like if I am not doing that, I am wussing out.
I fight this dilemma often. As I pondered this concept in the basement last week, I came up with AMCRAP, As Many Clean Reps As Possible. Now I just googled it to make sure I wasn't stealing someone's idea like there's really anything new in training anyway, but, I didn't see it, so I'm taking it.
The problem with my new concept is, I always go back and look at my training numbers. I don't want to be like "Well, I did 300 on the bench for 10 last time I did AMRAP, so why did I only get 8 this time?" That's because I am not comparing apples to apples any longer. AMCRAP is its own beast. The plan is to set all-new numbers off of AMCRAP.
If you have been pounding away at the iron, you might want to consider AMCRAP as a safer and more preferable alternative to AMRAP. Honestly, it might be better overall for everyone. The idea of perfectly clean reps is probably a good standard for training.
The old me would probably slap the new me for saying all this. But the new me could run away from the fat me pretty easily. Just sayin'