Foam rolling
Trigger point release
Band abductor and adductor work (2x right side)
5:00 Warmup walk
6 rounds 2:30 run/:30 walk
5:00 Cooldown Walk
28:00 total
I'm still working on the hip. It felt a little better today. Coach Rhodes called to check in on me. I explained I really feel my whole right side is compromised and it's causing me issues from one place to another. So I'm going to stick with my plan of not squatting or deadlifting with weight for the next three weeks. I'm going to rehab and strengthen the hip and give the right side extra attention. He also gave me good recommendations for rolling as well as some form/technique tips. As much as I break his balls he knows his stuff and I have relied on him heavily over the years.
Before getting off the phone I told him he needs to call me weekly to check in any self sabotage plans I might have. If I ever get my body healthy again I need to go at least a couple months before I add anything different to my training. Is training and feeling good a pipe dream? I don't know, you tell me.