The last days of summer are always the biggest vacation time for people it seems so I have no clients to train, it's an off day for my own training and I have little to do except putter around the gym cleaning.
I really don't about my training much here anymore, mainly because I really can't picture it being very inspiring. I'm not shoving myself into a thick tight singlet and trying to squat a weight i have no earthly reason getting under. I'm not "cutting down for my health" and gabbing nonstop about my how my diet is on point but I'm hungry as fuck. I'm not dropping names of any big timers that program my training. I'm not doing anything special at all except enjoying the fact that I can still hit it petty hard, trying to look good CLOTHED, and still enjoy lifting next to all the guys and gals down here.
Occasionally I will be contacted by a person that actually reads this crap that I write and they always tell me, "You should just write those rants about all the crazy shit that happens around the gym". I think people totally misunderstand me, those aren't rants, when crazy shit happens around here and I have to physically escort someone off of my property inside I'm laughing my ass off because the absurdity of this place just makes me laugh. Like last week when all the sudden about twenty teenage girls all came together right in front of the gym, our building has windows along the front looking out to the street so everyone noticed this. I could see it was some kind of altercation about to go down and two of them ran in and said that some rival girls were after them and they were coming down the street with their boyfriends to start trouble. Me and one of my young stud lifters, who was right there at the counter with me, walked out only to see a bunch of teenage boys walking through our parking lot, they took one look at us and did an about face and just started walking away. Meanwhile I was smack dab in the middle of percolating cat fight that was about to explode any minute. The thing I thought that was odd about this was they were all very well kept looking, very attractive girls ranging from ages maybe 14-17 years old. Not the kind of girls that I would picture in a street fight around here at all.
But as I'm in the middle of thing trying to mediate the two gangs into not brawling on my property I look over and the guy who came out with who is 25 years old has one of the young jailbait taken off to the side and he's running some game on her and actually walks away with her phone number. I probably should have waited until the statute of limitations has passed to tell this story I think. Ok, forget you ever read this.
I am a VP of finance and I love reading your stuff during the day to give me a break from the beanery. Your writings always give me a chuckle.
And I still wear my favorite t-shirt of all time - GOOGLE THAT SHIT!
Stay at it Stevie P