When leading a column off with the title “An Ultra Simple Tip to Make Your Whole Life Better” you had better deliver. I fully intend to deliver today with a very brief and concise tip that will do just that as long as you utilize it.
I’ve always been a positive thinker, at least when it comes to me and I’ve almost never entertained a negative self-image or thought process. But I know many who do. I hope this helps them, and you.
The brilliant Mahatma Gandhi said some really smart things, far more than me, and possibly my favorite quote from him is:
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
That’s a powerful statement, and it’s true.

If you spend your days telling yourself that you suck, you’re a failure, you’ll never amount to anything, or worse, have someone tell you that all the time; guess what?
You’ve got a 99.9% chance that it will become true.
Therefore, a negative mindset manifests itself in a negative reality.
Conversely, if you tell yourself that you are going to get up today and every day, piss excellence, do your best and be a good person, guess what?
The same thing happens.
You program yourself to succeed.
If you are a person who suffers from a self-depreciating or self-sabotaging mindset it will manifest itself in a lack of success, depression and more.
But, if you think about the brilliant quote above and tell yourself that today, you will be better than yesterday and that you are going to succeed at whatever goal you lay out, guess what?
Yes, you will get closer to that goal. Make this a daily habit and you’ll be a little closer every day.
That’s all.
Here is an Ultra Simple Tip to Make Your Whole Life Better:
Read the quote again.
Change your beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, habits and values and your destiny will change too.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
January 27, 2022