I just wanted to take the time to gush about two products I recently installed into my gym. Of course these two products can be found through this website.
The first one is the American Multi Angle Press bar, a new item in the EFS store. This innocent looking bar has quickly become one of the most used tools at Iron Sport. Every time I look out into our weightroom somebody is using it. Either benching with it, reverse grip benching with it, I myself recently used it with JM presses with bands and I love doing curls with it. I strongly urge that even if you have the original Swiss bar to also get one of these to go along with it.
The next item that has been getting a lot of use, but may set you back a few more bucks, is the Belt Squat machine we recently installed. Its new to the gym so a lot of us are just getting adjusted to exactly how to utilize it most effectively but already I can see (and feel) what an amazing tool this is. I am really look forward to doing many tortuous sessions in the future with it.