I’ve been working with my buddy Dean for over a year now. Not only have his lifts increased, he has grown, and I have seen his confidence as well as his technique improve. He also has better awareness of his body as well a desire to continue to increase his strength and improve his lifts.
Dean is currently 6 weeks out from the APF Nationals. Here he is pulling a PR of 150 (he pulled it for a double but took a long break between reps) off 2” mats.
I’ve always said that Powerlifting is a metaphor for life. If you can set and accomplish goals in Powerlifting then you can do the same in every aspect of life. I’m hoping that the lessons that Dean learns from Powerlifting will benefit him for the rest of his life.
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The M2 Method Raw Training Ebook
The M2 Equipped Training Ebook
The Effective Floor Based Home GHR