Holy Buckets! I didn't realize how many people were reading my Coaching Log. After the site went down, many contacted me on my social media pages and I was quite surprised as to the number of people who were getting their training program AND buying into my warped sense of humor.
I feel blessed!
So let the fuckery continue...
Since we have been down, I have experimented with a few new techniques that I will fill you in as we do them. For instance (foreshadow op), Super Slow Training (SST) for accessory work, and high volume sets with minimal weight. (It's not just for rehab anymore). But more on both of those later.
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage."
Today's Training:
Cycle: 20 mins.
DB Lateral Raise: 3x100 (yes, 300 total reps)
DB Front Raise: 3x100
Cable Face Pull: 3x100
Selectorized OHP: 3x100
For a total of 1200 reps for the shoulders. Keep in mind the high amount of reps per NON-STOP sets requires not going Apeshit with weight. Go Monkeyshit only.
Cycle: 20 mins.